Radial pressure wave therapy or commonly known as shockwave therapy is an effective deep-tissue therapy tool used in treating musculoskeletal pain and other chronic issues. RPW Therapy uses ultrasound technology in the form of high-energy acoustic (sound) waves to generate oscillations within the tissue to help reduce muscle pain, increase blood flow and promote healing within the connective tissues.
RPW Therapy works by increasing blood flow to the area being treated. This improved microcirculation helps to increase the supply of cellular nutrition-thereby promoting a healing response of tissue repair and remodeling. RPW also helps to break up adhesions found within the tissue that reduce blood flow and healing.
Typical RPW therapy treatments last approximately 10 minutes based on the size of the treatment area. During treatment, you will feel the consistent percussive pressure of the RPW head on your skin. The direct contact of the RPW head will allow the acoustic waves to penetrate your skin, traveling into underlying muscle tissue, where the waves will stimulate metabolic activity and the body’s intrinsic healing mechanisms. Patients report feeling very little discomfort throughout treatment and many report an immediate decrease in pain and symptoms after their initial treatment.
Some patients have an immediate response to treatment while others need 3-6 treatments for noticeable results. After treatment, you will experience a decrease in inflammation, pain/discomfort, muscle tightness/spasms, enhanced mobility, flexibility, and accelerated recovery.
Some patients may experience slight redness of the skin with possible bruising and mild local discomfort of the treatment area. It is recommended to avoid physical activity 48 hours after treatment to allow for muscle recovery. RPW therapy is an effective alternative to medications and has helped many avoid pain injections and surgeries.
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